Thank You!
Back 2 Basics Ministry is so thankful for our amazing volunteers! We are very grateful to everyone that has helped us at our birthday parties, donation booths, activities and events. Some people may consider their contribution to be very minor but we have seen some major impact from “minor” acts.
Your prayers and presence has helped more than you will ever know! We would like to especially thank those who have selflessly given their time, love, and assistance over and over again. Because of your help, we are able to reach many more hurting teens. Here’s just a quick list of a few of the things we want to thank you for: your prayers, talking with the teens, setting up, preparing and serving food & drinks, cleaning up, making goodie bags, participating in worship, monitoring booths, running errands, blowing up balloons, face-painting, collecting donations, providing feedback and input… and the list goes on and on. Thank you!!!
Brother Aaron, Abi, Albert & Christine, Ali, Andrew, Ashley, Asia, Austin, Beth C., Beth S., Boogie, Briana, Britney, Brittney F., Cali, Charles & Kim, Chelsea, Pastor Chris, Dallas, Dave & Linda, Don, Earnesto, Elizabeth, Fernando, Gabby, Pastor George & Charlcie, Gilda, Jack & Vickie, Jason, Jeff, Jennifer C., Jennifer F., Jill, Joann, Pastor John, Jordan, Josh, Josie, Juan & Carmen, Julie, Kim F., Nate, Nicco, Renae, Rhonda B., Rhonda S., Richard, Rodney & Joanne, Sally, Samuel, Tim, Tony & Sue, Pastor Trevor, Vincent, Will, Zack, Zeke
As the ministry and the parties continue to grow in the number of teens participating, we need as much help as we can get! Please contact us today if you would like to help these teens feel loved.